Have decided to open up blog again,
that is, if you can track till this blog tho.
Realised, people change as time passes. The person you thought you can count on to wipe your tears away, can be either gone, or just can't seem to bother with your life anymore. My private blog's more active than this blog tho,
hehes. Have to keep comments to myself and just let people I
trust to view & comment it. This blog's mere
update for fun, I miss
Beartastic Pig, laughs!~ Irony. I can't believe I heard the truth from one of my friend. Shall not put name, but I think, you're really
pathetic to a very extreme extend. Tsktsk, maybe one day you will know the meaning of true friendship/brotherhood. All the best to your life dude.
I still hate mosquitos. I adore half bear, half pig that stupid saikang.